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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Contradictions of society and education in the theory of human capital development

O. V. Tsiguleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: higher education, human capital development, knowledge economy, humanitarian foundation of higher education


Introduction. Socio-economic transformations in the society development and technological progress were the reason for the education deconstruction, which affected the humanitarian foundation of higher educational institutions. The human capital phenomenon has become a key resource that is more significant than natural capital or accumulated wealth. The practice of the world leading countries (China, the Republic of Korea, Great Britain, the USA, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.) clearly demonstrates that investing in the creation of a competitive human resource is the most effective government strategy, where the total share of human capital more than doubles exceeds produced and natural capital. In Russia, the thesis of focusing education on a person’s labor potential from the economic profit point of view is being updated. Methodology. A comparative analysis of reforming educational systems in Russia and abroad is used as a methodological basis, identifying paradoxes and problems associated with the human capital development. Discussion. The rationalism crisis with its unshakeable faith in the revolutionary component of technological progress characterized by the services production priority and dependence of professional stratification on the education level, leads to a thinning of the humanitarian foundation in higher education. In support of this thesis, the following are considered: achievements of technological progress through human capital in Germany; professional orientation of the French human capital model; human capital orientation to the labor market requirements in the UK; the Bologna process as an example of the economic concept of human capital formation in Russia. Conclusion. The orientation of higher education towards the values of economic-market standards of administration today has become the reason for the loss of identity and originality of national education systems in the global world.