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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Generative artificial intelligence in learning: prospects for a new didactics

S. I. Chernykh
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: social philosophy, artificial intelligence, generative systems, training, education, subjectivity, responsibility, identity


Introduction. Considering learning as a complex process of interaction between various subjects in order to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, it is necessary to comprehend artificial intelligence as a generative educational technology. Generative artificial intelligence (neural networks) is a transitional stage from “narrowˮ artificial intelligence to “generalˮ artificial intelligence. Their impact on learning processes is the focus of scientific and social reflection within the framework of two problems: the complexity of developing methodological foundations and the need to develop a new didactics. The research methodology is based on the theoretical principles (traditional and progressive) of artificial intelligence research and its practical impact on the educational process as a new didactics and the possibility of artificial intelligence to become the “third” subject of educational interaction. Discussion. The leading thesis of most works is the understanding that for education generative artificial intelligence should be considered not only as a benefit, but also as an existential risk (limitation of the field of subjectivity of an individual). Considering the changes taking place in learning under the influence of the “directˮ integration of artificial intelligence applications (neural networks) into the content of learning (electronic tutor, digital consultant, etc.) means not only a new stage in the development of specific learning practices, but also a change in all components of the educational process. When discussing the problems that arise when using neural networks in learning, it becomes clear that a simple transfer of intuitive knowledge, systems and institutions of didactics of traditional learning to a new educational space will not be correct. At the same time, the lack of the right to make mistakes and the lack of knowledge about the “workˮ of “generalˮ artificial intelligence and the consequences of its application in educational interactions clearly require a rethink of the didactic foundations of learning as a process. Conclusion. The use of generative artificial intelligence in learning today is episodic, but its capabilities are expanding every day, influencing a person’s understanding of reality and himself. The phenomena of “destruction of responsibilityˮ that arise in this case, “moving into a comfort zoneˮ, mean a “blurringˮ of human subjectivity, especially in an educational environment, the consequences of which are not fully realized.