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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

The potential and heuristic significance of the media space in the context of universal education

Yunsheng Zhang1, I. V. Yakovleva2
1Shandong Institute of Physical Education, Jinan, China
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: media space, education, new media, value contradictions, phenomenology, global worldview


Introduction. Analysis of the established discourse about the media space in relation to new educational guidelines in their interaction with the global world system reveals heuristic reserves for the dynamics of improving Internet communications and expanding ideas about the world as a new ontology of educational activity. Having identified the goal as the practical resolution of crisis trends in the field of public education, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the media space using the methodological principles of ontology, epistemology and axiology of educational activity. The methodology of theoretical research in the interpretation of the prolegomena of the media space is determined by intentional guidelines for their integration into the methodology of Chinese and Russian philosophy of education. Phenomenological approaches to finding the potential opportunities of the media space for new forms of educational practices are of decisive importance in the study. In the discussion, the prolegomena of the media space (media, media system, mass media, new media, communication, audience, cybersocialization, global worldview, media education, etc.) become the object of study, expanding its understanding to a global evolutionary interpretation as a single categorical space of educational reality. Other potentially containing concepts, concepts, and ideas for setting the goals of developing education, literacy and competence in the space of universal education are also considered. Conclusion. A single categorical space of educational reality, viewed through the prism of media space and media education as harmonious categories, actively integrated into the globalizing world and the philosophy of education of China and Russia. These events update a new understanding of the role and significance of a more in-depth development of ontology, epistemology and axiology of education. The presented methodological potential of the philosophy of education has a heuristic potential for the dialectics of the media space in relation to universal education.