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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Forecasting the development of the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education in the context of digital transformation

M. N. Revnikova1, A. V. Morozov2
1Federal Institute of Digital Transformation in Education, Moscow, Russia
2Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: forecasting, development, monitoring, assessment of the quality of education, digital transformation, educational and educational process, digitalization of education, artificial intelligence, digital technologies, machine learning


Introduction. In the last decade, the field of education has become one of the industries where digital technologies are widely used in order to improve the quality of education and control the educational and educational process. The use of digital tools allows creating predictive models based on the analysis of historical data and current trends, which contributes to more effective and accurate monitoring of the quality of education. This paper examines the impact of digital transformation on the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education, examines the possibility of predicting the future development of the education system and suggests methods and tools to continuously improve the educational and educational process. Attention is focused on the need to adapt existing approaches to assessing the quality of education to the new realities of the digital world, including the use of big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other innovative technologies. The research methodology includes the analysis of current scientific research and the use of modern data analysis methods to predict the development of a monitoring system for assessing the quality of education. The discussion of the article focuses on the impact of digital transformation on the processes of monitoring and evaluating the quality of education, as well as on possible ways to improve the monitoring system. The concepts of “digital transformation” and “quality of education” are analyzed, as well as the main aspects of the education quality monitoring system. In conclusion, it is concluded that forecasting the development of the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education in the context of digital transformation is of critical importance for improving the effectiveness of the educational process and maintaining a high level of educational standards.