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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

The philosophy of "changeable fatality" as an effective complement to the theory of generations in the development of a new educational ideal

D. P. Kozolupenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: education, millennials, historical relativism, the achronicity of truth, “basic intuition”, worldview


Introduction. Sociological research shows that, compared with their teachers, modern students have a different set of basic values and different patterns of behavior. The gap in worldview and behavioral attitudes creates a number of problems in the educational process. In this regard, the concept of “generation” is becoming one of the central concepts in the modern philosophy of education. The necessity of a critical analysis of the theory of generations and its adoption by modern education is actualized. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is: the theory of generations by N. Howe and V. Strauss, the theory of intergenerational dynamics by V. Radaev, the method of comparative analysis of the concepts of “changeable fatality” in the works of A. Bergson and J .Ortega y Gasset. Discussion. The author has identified four main features of the theory of generations, ways of their application in the organization of education, the definition of its goals and objectives. The article shows that in the philosophy of education, the theory of generations and the philosophy of “changeable fatality” seems to be a methodologically effective complement. Conclusion. A comparative study of the theory of generations and the philosophy of “changeable fatality” shows the irreducibility of the intergenerational gap, and at the same time it demonstrates the blurring of the boundaries of “generation” as a unity of peers with the same set of values and behavioral stereotypes. Consequently, the prognostic application of the theory of generations and the philosophy of changeable fatality seems to be feasible in the field of education. Based on them preventive and correctional educational strategies will be subject to the law of “constant delay”. The methodological significance of the concept of “changeable fatality” for the philosophy of education and its limiting conditions are associated with the concept of “the main a priori of history” in the interpretation of J. Ortega y Gasset and the concept of “basic intuition” by A. Bergson. Overcoming the shortcomings inherent in both theories and developing more effective strategies in the field of modern education require interdisciplinary research in the field of age psychology, personality psychology and philosophy of education, as well as differentiated sociological research.