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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Noosphere University: philosophical and general scientific foundations

G. S. Smirnov, D. G. Smirnov, M. A. Melikyan
Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
Keywords: post-non-classical university, philosophy of consciousness, noospheric university, spiritual production, universe of spheres, noospheric picture of the world


Introduction. In the conditions of the new world order, the urgent task of the state is to ensure not only technospheric (technological sovereignty), but also noospheric (ideological sovereignty) security. The noospheric university appears as a Russian conceptual “answer” to instrumental Western European educational analogues. The authors focus on the philosophical and general scientific foundations of the noospheric university as the main actor in spiritual production. Methodology. Methodologically, the analysis was carried out within the framework of systemic, synergetic and spheric approaches, allowing us to consider the paradigm of the noospheric university at three levels - things, properties and relations, to show the environmental nature of its “plan of content” through the prism of the synergetic structure of the surrounding reality. Discussion. Philosophical analysis allows to define the noospheric university as one of the currently important models of a post-non-classical university. The “noospheric” trend within Russian university education is outlined, demonstrating the relevance of the analyzed paradigm. The heuristics - the value and necessity - of the noospheric paradigm in the context of higher education and the fundamental cognitive contradiction between the “old” and “new” universities are revealed. The mission (formation of the super-complex consciousness), the dual goal and specific tasks of the noospheric university in the context of the transition of “biosphere and technosphere to noosphere” are defined. The system of its philosophy is substantiated within the framework of the universum concept and ideas about the all-human. The dual nature of the noouniversity is recorded through the dialectics of material/spiritual, material/ideal, real/virtual. The cognitive “equivalence” of subject and object in noospheric educational discourse is noted, and the essential system-forming relations are listed. The “signification” procedure is considered as central to the noospheric paradigm. The post-non-classical university is presented as a point of assembly of spheres, forming a noospheric worldview and a noospheric picture of the world. Conclusion. A comprehensive analysis of the concept of a noospheric university allows to state that its competitive advantages are a holistic vision of the world, the co-evolution of natural reason and artificial intelligence, an orientation towards noospheric understanding of a super-complex reality, and the acceptance of pan(all)-humanity as an ethological regulator.