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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 2

The environmental-economic strategy of Kyrgyzstan: challenges and promising areas of implementation

1Russian State Social University - Branch, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
2Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Keywords: рroduction of environmentally friendly products, greening, competitiveness. environmental security, green economy, natural capital


We examine the factors and conditions of economic, resource and environmental nature. It is concluded that the reduction of poverty in Kyrgyzstan plays a key role in terms of sustainable development and strategic security of the country. The article identifies the reserves of Kyrgyzstan’s economy to strengthen the natural capital potential of the region. Regional factors for the development of the strategy to achieve socio-economic and environmental security of Kyrgyzstan are identified. It is shown that digitalization, by comprehensively improving the socio-economic conditions of management, has a beneficial effect on the processes of innovative modernization of Kyrgyzstan, and contributes to improving regional policy to achieve socio-economic stabilization. It is established that Kyrgyzstan has unique tourist and recreational resources and great potential for the development of touristic and recreational business activities. Due to the availability of touristic and recreational resources in the regions of the country, it is the touristic and recreational activities that can act as an alternative way for the socio-economic activity of the population and as a means of reducing the poverty level of the population. The article shows some socio-economic and regional features of tourism in Kyrgyzstan, with due regard for the specifics of ensuring socio-ecological-economic security. The importance of tourism and recreation in terms of the socio-ecological and economic stabilization of the region is substantiated. With the burden of environmental and economic problems accumulated in the past in the regions of Kyrgyzstan, a further development of the tourism and recreation industry is a significant precondition for greening the economy. The tourism and recreation sector of Kyrgyzstan may well become a kind of locomotive for the country’s green economy in conditions of increased vulnerability and limited assimilation capacity of the mountainous areas of the country.