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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 2

Nature management dynamics in the Selenga delta as a result of Lake Baikal level regulation

Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: cartographic reconstruction of nature management, geoinformation mapping, Lake Baikal level regulation, digital terrain model, operational territorial units


A cartographic assessment of the dynamics of residential and agricultural nature management in the territory of the Selenga River delta using multi-time topographic maps for the period 1952-2015 is presented. A feature of this period is the Lake Baikal level regulation to ensure the operation of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station and the transformation of the nature management system of the Selenga River delta and the lake shore. As a result of vectorization of retrospective layers of topographic objects, file geodata of the ArcGIS information environment were formed, representing a cartographic reconstruction of nature management in 1952, fixing a time slice of the natural state of the coastal geosystems of the lake, and making it possible to establish physical and geographical characteristics concerning the past economic use of the territory. Based on the elevation marks and contour lines of the topographic basis of the scale 1:50 000 survey of 1952, a digital terrain model was compiled, as well as a map of the geomorphological structure of the study area. As a result of combining the reconstruction with modern digital layers, the dynamics of waterlogging and flooding of the delta territory as a result of long-term Lake Baikal level regulation was established, and a spatio-temporal assessment of the dynamics of individual objects of nature management was carried out. In accordance with the physical and geographical location of the estuary and the modality of traditional nature management, the settlements were all divided into three groups: coastal, island and estuarine. A register of settlements has been compiled, in which each settlement is registered, broken down by area, number of households and number of inhabitants. As a result of the cartographic assessment of the dynamics of the water surface area, zones of waterlogging and flooding of the territory, stable areas, liquidated settlements and socio-economic facilities, and abandoned arable land were identified. Maps of the dynamics of the water surface and environmental management were compiled.