Research by Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS on the evolution of environment and climate under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russia
Keywords: geosystems, minerageny, salt lakes, paleogeographic reconstructions, bioaccumulation, protected areas, green economy
This article summarizes the results of many years of comprehensive research conducted by the scientific team of the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS. As part of these studies, the composition, structure and patterns of evolution of the geo- and ecosystems of Central Asia are investigated. The complexity of the approach allows us to analyze various aspects of their evolution: geological, geographical, biological, physical, and climatic. The article describes the areas of research within which the most significant and fundamental results were obtained. In particular, the results from studying the geosystems of the Transbaikal North are shown. Regarding gold ore formations in Transbaikalia, a relationship has been identified between the type of gold ore formation and the content of toxic elements in the geological substrate. For natural and technogenic hydrogeochemical systems of Eastern Transbaikalia, the main geochemical indicators of the environment have been identified, which determine the mobility of rare, rare-earth and radioactive elements. Using the example of tungsten deposits in Transbaikalia, the importance of an integrated approach to the analysis of the processes that determine the hydrogeochemical parameters of the territory is demonstrated. The existence of metastable ice 0, which is formed from supercooled water at temperatures below -23 °C, has been experimentally proven. A large-scale analysis of the processes influencing the formation of saline lakes in Central Asia has been carried out. The study of the evolution of the limnosystems of Transbaikalia made it possible to identify the features of glacial morphogenesis which formed the basis for the zoning of the study area. Using the example of reservoirs and watercourses in Transbaikalia, the connection between their genesis and the specifics of their biotic composition is shown. It has been shown that the morphological variability of mollusks can serve as a bioindicator of paleoclimate. The results of studies of flora and fauna, and also the landscape uniqueness of the region, served as the basis for the creation of a number of specially protected natural areas of Transbaikalia. The most important study of the fossil biota in this area was the discovery and description of the remains of the feathered ornithischian dinosaur Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus in Transbaikalia. A separate important area of research is the analysis of environmental, economic and socio-demographic factors in the development of Russia, including Siberia and the Far East, taking into account cross-border interactions of this territory.