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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 3

Simulation of Ignition of Composite Materials by Particles Heated to a High Temperature

D. P. Kasymov, V. V. Perminov, E. N. Golubnichii, A. S. Yakimov
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: wood, heated particles, combustion, ignition, conjugate heat transfer


A numerical simulation of the ignition of a structure made of wood material by a set of “hot” particles was performed. The problem is considered in Cartesian coordinates in a three-dimensional formulation. It was found that the ignition of the initial reagent is determined by the processes of heat exchange with the fire, drying, pyrolysis of dry wood, and oxidation reactions of carbon monoxide, methane and hydrogen. The dependences of the ignition delay time of wood material on the initial temperatures of the reagent, heated particles and the number of “hot” particles at which ignition conditions are realized have been established. A qualitative comparison of the calculation results with known data is provided.