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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 3

Ignition Mechanism of a Wet Particle of Woody Biomass

Zh. A. Kostoreva, A. A. Kostoreva, D. Yu. Malyshev, S. V. Syrodoi
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: wood particle, biomass, ignition, ignition delay time, ignition mechanism


The influence of the moisture content of woody biomass on the mechanisms of its ignition and combustion. Research was carried out on an experimental setup under conditions corresponding in temperature to the combustion chamber of typical boiler units (873-1273 K). It was found that ignition occurred in the gas phase at a distance depending on the ambient temperature. The higher the air temperature, the larger the distance from the particle surface to the combustion zone of gaseous pyrolysis products of wood. Based on the results of experiments, the influence of the type of woody biomass on the characteristics and conditions of ignition of fuel particles was established. An analysis of the influence of wood fiber orientation in space relative to the direction of the heat flux vector on the ignition characteristics and conditions.