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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 3

Simulation of Cellular Detonation Flow in a Hydrogen - Oxygen - Argon Mixture with Aluminum Particles

T. A. Khmel, S. A. Lavruk
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: hybrid detonation, hydrogen-oxygen mixture, aluminum particles, cellular structures, numerical modeling


A physical and mathematical model of hybrid detonation in a mixture of hydrogen - oxygen - argon with additives of microdispersed aluminum particles is presented. The combustion of hydrogen and aluminum is described within the framework of the given kinetics. The combustion reaction of aluminum takes into account the formation of suboxides and particles of solid aluminum oxide. Using numerical simulation methods of two-dimensional flows in a flat channel 10 cm wide, the processes of formation and propagation of cellular detonation in a mixture of 0.72H2 + O2 + 2.58Ar at an initial pressure of 0.26 atm with additions of aluminum particles of size 3.5 were studied. and 5 μm. The properties of regularization and reduction of cell size, an increase in front velocity, peak pressures and temperatures in the hybrid mixture in comparison with gas detonation have been established. Two-front regimes have been obtained that exist for a limited time. After the fronts merge, detonation accelerates and transitions to a fine-cell structure. The relationship between cell size and average detonation velocity is similar to the formula for overcompressed gas detonation.