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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2024 year, number 3

Ignition of Methane-Carbon Oxide Mixtures

K. Ya. Troshin1, A. A. Belyaev1, A. V. Arutyunov1,2, V. S. Arutyunov1,3
1N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, Shenzhen, China
3Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Keywords: methane, carbon monoxide, ignition delay, kinetic modeling


Experimental studies and kinetic analysis of ignition in air of stoichiometric mixtures of methane with carbon monoxide at temperatures below 1000 K and pressures of 1-15 atm showed the complex nature of the influence of mixture composition, temperature and pressure on the ignition delay. For mixtures with different carbon monoxide contents, pressure has different effects on ignition, and the values of the effective ignition delay energy of these mixtures are very different, indicating serious changes in the process mechanism when changing all the above parameters. The most obvious changes are associated with the influence of these parameters on the formation reactions and subsequent kinetics of hydroperoxide radicals HO2, including the role of their interaction with carbon monoxide. It is also necessary to take into account the contribution of highly exothermic processes involving carbon monoxide to the heat balance of the ignition process of such mixtures. Information on the influence of the main parameters on the ignition of mixtures of methane with carbon monoxide at low temperatures is necessary to ensure the safety of technological processes for the production and use of synthesis gas and hydrogen, the operation of coal mines, as well as the optimization of detailed kinetic mechanisms of the oxidation of light hydrocarbons.