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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Effect of Directed Blasting on Geotechnology and Geomechanical Behavior of Rock Mass in Deep-Level Mining

S. D. Viktorov, V. M. Zakalinskii, I. E. Shipovskii, R. Ya. Mingazov
Academician Melnikov Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources-IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Explosion, cluster charge, borehole charge design, mining problems, computer modeling, continuum mechanics, conservation laws, directed blasting


The authors put forward a look-ahead concept of science-based problem solving in deep-level mining. The issues of the problem realization and tooling are also addressed. A borehole charge is designed as a cluster of closed-spaced borehole charges to produce the directed blast effect by varying the cluster charge layout in a wide range. Using alternative technical capabilities of drilling, it is possible to variously redisperse the same equivalent energy in the single large-diameter borehole charge and in the cluster of smaller diameter borehole charges. The blast mechanism of the cluster charge pushes the limits of its application range and offers new approaches to problem solving in deep-level mining. Some technological aspects of geotechnologies are presented through the results of modeling the new approach to blast-induced impact using smooth particle hydrodynamics. Some tentative research findings inspire continuing with the study.