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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Ground Surface Movements and Deformations at Almaz-Zhemchuzhina Deposit from Surveying Techniques

A. A. Panzhin, N. A. Panzhina
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Modern geodynamic movements, rock mass, satellite geodesy, strain tensor, movement vector, monitoring, zoning


Movements and deformations of ground surface at the Almaz-Zhemchuzhina deposit are studied using surveying techniques. The source data in estimation of parameters and patterns of the stress-strain behavior were observations over the modern geodynamic movements using survey markers and GPS / GLONASS technologies. The proposed scientific approach and guidelines on the use of the studies of trend and cycling geodynamic movements made it possible to determine the natural stress-strain parameters and to accomplish zoning of the test area by the intensities of the movements.