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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Prevention and Control of Coalburst in Tunnels Using Gantry Energy-Absorbing Hydraulic Support

Xiao Yonghui1, Pan Yishan1,2, Li Yuwei1
1Liaoning University, Liaoning, China
2Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, China
Keywords: Coalburst, tunnel support, energy-absorbing hydraulic support, coalburst-preventing design


In response to the engineering problem of severe damage to tunnels caused by coalburst, which leads to support failure and personnel casualties, a method of preventing coalburst through the support and energy-absorbing effects of supports has been proposed. An energy-absorbing hydraulic support is designed for circular or arched tunnels: it is called gantry energy-absorbing hydraulic support. The support mainly consists of three parts: an arched top beam, a micro-arc base, and an energy-absorbing hydraulic column. Through experiments, two types of the energy-absorbing components were compressed and tested. The results show that the average yield strength of a single anti-impact component is 1840 kN, and the energy absorption is 180 kJ when compressed by 100 mm. The average yield strength of the double section anti-impact component is 2460 kN, and the energy absorption is 410kJ when compressed by 100 mm. Both of these energy-absorbing components with a total energy absorption capacity of over 700 kJ are used in actual gantry energy-absorbing hydraulic support.