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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Interrelation of Mechanical Properties and Root Damage of Salix with Ground Surface Subsidence

Yunjing Ma
Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, Shnzhen, China
Keywords: Salix root, acoustic emission, damage variable, tensile strength, mining depth, vegetation protection


This article studied the biomechanical properties of salix root sampled from arid and semi-arid regions of China. The damage law of root in the process of stretching was analyzed by acoustic emission technique. The fractal dimension of root failure section was calculated by digital image processing technology. The results show that salix root tensile strength and ultimate elongation decreases with the diameter increasing, while ultimate tensile resistance and diameter are positively correlated. Damage variable characterized by cumulative AE energy can not only help research the rule of root damage quantitatively, but also allows determining the critical elongation when root became inactive. The optimal mining depth values are proposed, which enable reduction of ground surface deformation, elimination of root system damage, protection of planting on ground surface and, thus, decrease of possibility of bench convergence.