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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Experimental Investigation of Block Fracture Influence on P-Wave Propagation in Block Rock Mass

Wang Kaixing1,2, Wu Bin2, Pan Yishan2, A. P. Khmelinin3, A. I. Chanyshev3
1Ordos Research Institute, Liaoning Technical University, Ordos, China
2School of Mechanics and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, China
3Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Block rock mass, fracture type effect on P-wave propagation in block model, time-frequency response analysis


This article experimentally investigates the characteristics of P-wave propagation in block rock mass when blocks fracture transversely and longitudinally. The velocity of P-wave, rock block acceleration, kinetic energy, displacement response, and the time-frequency response of rock block were analyzed. The results show that when the rock block fractures, the P-wave velocity decreases, the acceleration response duration time increases, and the maximum acceleration and kinetic energy decrease. However, transverse fractures show a more evident decrease in the acceleration and kinetic energy near the fracture area, and longitudinal fractures show a more evident decrease in the displacement amplitude far from the fracture area. On transverse fractures, the dominant frequency of acceleration and kinetic energy leads to a low value near the fracture area, but the dominant frequency of displacement-to a high value. Longitudinal fracture leads to a dominant frequency of block response occurrence time delayed far from the fracture area.