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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 2S

Topicality of the Framework and General Theory for Safe Deep-Level Mining of Hydrocarbon-Bearing Formations

V. N. Oparin
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Experimental and theoretical research, physics and geomechanics of rock failure source zones, fire- and rockburst safety, geomechanical and geophysical energy emission events, integrated geoinformation and monitoring system, instrumental measurements, remote sensing, diagnostics, prediction, prevention, safety, stress-strain behavior, hydrocarbon-bearing formations


The article focuses on formulation and substantiation of a problem of safe subsoil management in view of the more and more difficult geological and climatic conditions, as well as growing depth and scale of mineral mining. It is shown that the current basic and applied research has created prerequisites for a successful solution of this problem. In Russia these prerequisites are connected with finding energy-based mechanisms of origination and growth of high-stress concentration and destruction zones in rock masses and geomaterials which feature a hierarchical block structure and many phases, and show properties of open self-organizing geosystems in the tectonic stress and strain field. Using advances in nonlinear geomechanics and geophysics, and cloud technologies of Big Data, a new methodology, technologies and software systems are developed for shaping a multilayer geoinformation and monitoring system for diagnostics, control and prediction of the industrial and ecological safety of mining regions in Russia.