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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2024 year, number 2

Dynamics of Two-Year Post-Pyrogenic Restoration of the Composition of Biomolecules in Shrubs in the Southern Taiga of the Tomsk Region

Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: fire event, shrubs, gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, n-alkanes, 10-nonacosanol
Pages: 183-189


The dynamics of the composition of biomolecules in the leaves of Caragana arborescens and Sorbus aucuparia shrubs, typical of the South taiga natural climatic zone, was studied by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry in the process of post-pyrogenic restoration at the territory near the Golovina village, the Tomsk Region, 3 months, 1 year and 2 years after the fire event. Acyclic organic compounds have been identified: n -alkanes, fatty acids, n -alkane-2-ones, aldehydes, n -alkanols. The long-chain saturated alcohol 10-nonacosanol was found in the leaves of Sorbus aucuparia . Aliphatic diterpenoids phytone and the isomers of phytol, triterpene squalene, as well as naphthenoaromatic compounds vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin K1 (phytanodione) were detected among isoprenoid structures in the leaves of S. aucuparia , increased phytol and fatty acid levels are observed in the leaves of S. aucuparia 3 months and 1 year after the fire event, and then the concentrations of these compounds decrease to background values after 2 years. Squalene content in the leaves of S. aucuparia , which decreased as a result of the fire event, increased sharply the following year, and after 2 years, it still remained at a level significantly higher than the background. The fire had the greatest impact on the long-chain alcohol 10-nonacosanol, which was detected in large amounts in the leaves of S. aucuparia . As a result of the fire, there is a drop in its content to trace amounts, followed by a slight increase the following year and an abrupt increase up to background values after 2 years. During the two-year-long post-pyrogenic restoration, changes in the molecular mass distribution of acyclic compounds are observed. The leaves of S. aucuparia, sampled 3 months and the following year after the fire, exhibited a shift from higher molecular homologues to less higher molecular n- alkanes and n- aldehydes in comparison with the leaves from background sites, while the corresponding shift observed in C. arborescens related to n- alkane-2-ones. The distribution of acyclic compounds in the post-pyrogenic area approaches the background level 2 years after the fire.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD2024547