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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2024 year, number 2

Analysis of the Ecological State of Oil-Producing Territories in West Siberia Using MODIS Satellite Data

Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: satellite data, vegetation index, geoinformation systems, vegetation cover
Pages: 176-182


The ecological state of hard-to-reach oil-producing territories of West Siberia has been studied. Results of the analysis of enhanced vegetation index (EVI) dynamics are presented in order to assess the state of vegetation cover over the territories of hydrocarbon fields of in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data. The average EVI values of vegetation over oilfield areas were calculated for full growing seasons from May 25 to September 20, 2013-2022. It has been determined that, on average, EVI values for the entire growing season in 2022 became higher by more than 20 % compared to the data in 2013. The trend to an increase in EVI in the final growing season over the 10-year period under study was identified.

DOI: 10.15372/CSD2024546