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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2024 year, number 1


Nikita A. Nenastyev, Natalya N. Yashalova
Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russian Federation
Keywords: environmental function of business, corporate social responsibility, “green” business, greening, enterprise


The environmental aspect of business activities is considered in the vast majority of cases as an element of corporate social responsibility or as part of the social function of enterprises. Within the framework of this study, the goal was set to justify the feasibility of identifying the actual environmental function of business and to reveal its role and content. Such a step will allow, if necessary, to analyze it in isolation from the general social vector of development of private enterprises based on a separate concept. To achieve the goal, four tasks were consistently solved. Firstly, the essence and importance of the “green” transition within national economies is revealed. Secondly, evidence is provided of the priority of the process of greening business structures in comparison with other vectors of growth of the Russian “green” economy. Thirdly, the main provisions of the theory of environmentally oriented business are formulated on the basis of the concept of corporate social responsibility. Fourthly, the concept and components of the “green” function of business at the present stage are revealed.