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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 1

The state and ways of improving the practical training of a future physics teacher

K. S. Evstafyeva1,2, N. S. Purysheva1
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
2Educational School No. 2054, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: practical training, professional activity, physics teacher, content of practical training, model of organizing practical training, methodological workshop


Introduction. Currently, the education system is subject to profound transformations that have affected the essence and content of high-quality training of a physics teacher at a pedagogical university. The lack of conceptual theoretical foundations in the training of a physics teacher creates a contradiction between modern trends in the modernization of vocational education and the real state of methodological training of students at the university, which does not allow them to form professional skills at the proper level, which are mandatory for the successful solution of educational tasks. Methodology. The object of the study is the process of preparing a future physics teacher for professional activity, the subject is the methodology of practical training of a future physics teacher. A comparative analysis of examples of the organization of practical training of a physics teacher in the United States of America, Germany, Great Britain and Canada is carried out. Discussion. Recognizing the complexity of the system of organizing student education in pedagogical universities, consisting of separate mutually exclusive blocks that meet different educational goals, most researchers are interested in the issue of modernizing the practical training of future physics teachers. It is proposed to introduce a set of didactic materials, methodological manuals, options for modeling methodological systems in the preparation of a physics teacher for various types of activities. One of the possible options is discussed - the creation of a common system of special workshops related to the study of physics. The conceptual idea of such an organizational and substantive model of practical training of future physics teachers is the integration of traditional pedagogical practice and innovative approaches. Conclusion. The state of high-quality practical training of a future physics teacher is becoming more and more relevant at the moment. The history of obtaining natural science education in Russia and in the world reveals a wide range of organization and implementation of educational and industrial practice. But the main thesis in space and time sounds unambiguous: a well-trained specialist teacher should be able to apply his/her knowledge in practice.