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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 1

The value potential of classical humanism for new strategies for the formation of human dignity

I. V. Kozlova, M. E. Pozdnyakova
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: education, values, globalization, crisis of national identity, dignity, national education


Introduction. The article analyzes the problems of modern Russian education in the context of globalizing factors of post-industrial society, one of which is the crisis of national identity. In modern Russia, the humanization of education is based on national identity. Within the framework of the axiology of education, it is considered as a strategy for the formation of human dignity and as a way out of the difficult state of devaluation of traditional values. It is noted that in the context of globalization, a return to classical humanism and traditional national values of the Russian education system will allow to “awaken” the individual principle of the student, strengthen his dignity and have a positive impact on social development. Methodology. A comprehensive review of philosophical views is presented on the importance of the concept of classical humanism in the formation of human dignity as a citizen, as well as the importance of the national system of upbringing and education in this process. The article uses a combination of methods of philosophical analogy and comparison. Discussion. The importance of the revival of classical humanism in the Russian education system based on national identity, without the imposition of foreign models of education, is revealed. A critical attitude towards anthropocentrism and individualism can serve as a strategy for the formation and strengthening of human dignity in overcoming the anthropological crisis and contradictions of post-industrial society. The concept of classical humanism, combined with independent national education, has the potential to instill in the younger generation the mental foundations of love for their language, culture and their Homeland, which, in general, makes it possible to revive national identity, strengthen human dignity, overcome the anthropological crisis and strengthen state integrity. Conclusion. The revival of the concept of classical humanism in the Russian education system, as well as the turn of education towards national identity and citizenship, can have a positive impact on the problem of the anthropological crisis generated by the consumer society, since it can contribute to overcoming the devaluation of traditional values, preserve the dignity of an individual citizen and strengthen the sovereign integrity of the entire state.