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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 1

Educational potential of Aikido philosophy

N. I. Buchin1, N. V. Ronzhina2
1Aikido Association of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: aikido philosophy, aikido technique, tragic aikido, budo, the way of Wine, the code of honest samurai, martial arts, harmony


Introduction. The purpose of the research is a philosophical understanding of the theory and practice of Aikido in the system of mastering this martial art. The relevance consists in the formation of a harmoniously developed, spiritual and moral personality in the process of mastering Aikido; a personality strong in body and spirit; in the long term, the reproduction of positive ideological values: patriotism, humanity, empathy, etc. The research methodology is based on a cultural and civilizational approach using dialectical and general scientific methods. Such as the analysis of modern foreign literature on the history, theory and philosophy of Aikido; a method of comparing and extrapolating data from the theory and practice of teaching to the modern soil of mastering the art of Aikido and identifying its educational potential. The object of the study is the process of mastering the martial art of Aikido. The subject is the philosophical principles underlying Aikido. Based on the study of primary sources on the theory and philosophy of Aikido, modern foreign and domestic sources, the article reveals and actualizes the basic principles of Aikido philosophy from the point of view of their educational significance. Discussion. The principles of the Aikido philosophy are based on the idea of gratitude to the Universe, ancestors, people around us and the surrounding world around us. The second fundamental idea is virtue: bravery, wisdom, love and empathy. The connection of kindness and gratitude with important humanistic values, which form the core of a person’s spiritual essence, has been realized. The connection between the basic principles of the philosophy of Aikido and the physical form of Aikido techniques, which consist in the mutual harmonious development of personality in the process of education, is revealed. Conclusion. Based on the nine principles of dialectical unity of the philosophy of Aikido, the concept of “Aikido technique” has been developed.