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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 1

Institutional factors of the development of patriotism (on the example of family and education)

A. Yu. Tumin
Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikotya, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: patriotism, civic consciousness, social worldview, educational institute, family institute, formation of patriotism in the civic environment


Introduction. One of the main tasks of humanitarian knowledge is to identify threats to social stability and analyze protective social mechanisms that ensure the effectiveness of building relationships in society. There is a developed tradition associated with comprehension of the role of patriotism in ensuring the constructiveness of social relations. In the conditions of intensive social challenges, the issue of factors and conditions of patriotic consciousness development in society is actualized. Against the background of a developed tradition of understanding the cultural factors of patriotism, there is a relatively low number of studies on the role of institutional factors in the formation of constructive civic attitudes. The present study focuses on the socio-philosophical analysis of the influence of institutional factors on the development of patriotism in society, which is realized on the example of family and educational institutions. The research methodology includes methods of analysis and deduction, as well as socio-phenomenological and structural-functionalist approaches. Discussion. The theoretical analysis carried out in the article is based on the comparison of the main components of patriotic consciousness (attitude to the Motherland, patriotic values, evaluative judgements in relation to the surrounding social reality, active social attitudes, the way of social self-identification) and social functions of family and education related to the formation of these attitudes. It is substantiated that at the level of the family institute the mechanisms of social continuity are implemented, associated with the perception by the younger generation of ideas and ideas carried by older family members, in this regard, the role of the family in the formation of patriotism is mainly associated with the initial characteristics of civic attitudes of society members. At the level of the education system, centralized processes of formation of civic attitudes are implemented. Conclusion. Ensuring the development of patriotism in society largely depends on the functional characteristics of the institutions of education and family. The analysis of social functions of family and education, as well as their influence on the dynamics of patriotic consciousness indicates the need to exclude dysfunctional processes in these institutions. This is due to the fact that these institutions provide to the greatest extent the key conditions for the development of patriotism in society.