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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 1

Philosophical discourse on human self-determination in education

G. I. Petrova
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: man, education as a way of being, self-determination as transcendence, educational knowledge, pedagogical anthropology


Introduction. Modern pedagogical and philosophical communities are not always clearly aware of the need for joint research in the field of education. The need for this is determined by the commonality of the subject of philosophy and pedagogy in the field of human self-determination and his/her existential search. The lack of awareness of community is found in the discrepancy of tasks for a specific solution to the problem of self-determination. Thus, the pedagogical task is considered to be the need to develop pedagogical engineering or those practical and specific techniques, the implementation of which could indicate the final and successful solution of self-determination as a stop and completion of this process, when all methodological techniques are implemented and the goal seems to be achieved. Philosophy, on the other hand, justifies education and self-determination as a way of being human and, consequently, as a never-ending process. It is important to focus on the anthropological (not technological) nature of the work of pedagogy, which, basing itself on philosophical and anthropological vision, becomes pedagogical anthropology. These disciplines have a common methodology - a philosophical view of man. The methodology of M. Scheler is proposed, which substantiates education as a way of being a person, and “educational knowledge” (M. Scheler’s term), which initiates his/her being as an ongoing process of self-determination (ideological, spiritual, moral, etc.). The methods of work are also common: existentialism and hermeneutics, problematization and interpretation, theorization and concrete analysis of empirical facts. Discussion. To reveal the specifics of human self-determination in education, it is important to see pedagogical activity from a philosophical perspective, when the word “self-determination” stands for a person in his/her being. Self-determination is based not on a logical, but on an ontological definition of a person, that is, on the characteristics inherent in his/her being. Conclusion. The conclusion is made about the possibility of joint (philosophy and pedagogy) work based on the use of philosophical methodology in substantiating the concept of self-determination in pedagogy. The results of the study can be considered as a methodology for the formation of principles of educational activity.