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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 1

Prediction of Rock Fragmentation in Bench Blasting Operations Based on Multi Parameters-A Case Study

Y. Majeed, M. Z. Emad, Bakar M. Z. Abu,В В Ayatullah
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Limestone quarries, blast fragmentation size, LCPC abrasivity coefficient, LCPC breakability index, blastability index, regression analysis


This study discusses the dependence of blast fragmentation size on field parameters and rock properties. For this purpose, six limestone quarries of productive cement factories of Pakistan were selected, including a total of 19 working bench faces. The field work included determination of rock fragmentation size, field penetration rate, rock mass parameters and blast design parameters. The geo-mechanical laboratory testing program includes LCPC rock abrasivity tests, NTNU/SINTEF drillability tests along with determination of laboratory drilling rate index and physico-mechanical rock property tests. The technique of least square regression was adopted to explain the obtained dependence. Finally, three multiple regression models were proposed for the estimation of rock fragmentation size from the test field and laboratory scale parameters. The quality of developed multi-variable models was statistically validated through statistical performance indicators.