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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 4

Equifinal and singular geosystems: states, differences, evolution

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: critical states, optimal states, entropy, universal Shelford-Liebig law, equifinal-singular model of geosystems, physical-geographical process


It is suggested that a new term “singularity” should be introduced into geography and biology implying the final and transforming process of states of natural systems equal in importance to the concept of “equifinality”. An analysis of interdependence of the equipotential and singular states in a single cycle of natural and natural-economic processes of local, regional and global scales was carried out. The term “singularity” is widely used in astrophysics, where it denotes the formation of the limiting, final state of cosmos systems, which provides the transition to a different, subsequent state (kind) during a mass-energy burst. In this connection, it is necessary to specify from geographical positions the definition and the relation of the singularity concept with equifinality, and to substantiate the connection and consistency of its interpretation with the provisions of the geosystem theory. The place of singularity in the organization of geosystems was revealed. The significance of interdependence of equifinal and singular states of processes and phenomena in the spatial and temporal scales of the landscape geosphere was established. The equifinal-singular model of geosystems is substantiated as a single form of integral natural systems of geography and biology, based on the concept of optimum physical-geographical process and the Shelford-Liebig universal law. A minor geosystem cycle which forms the subsequent sections, blocks, and a major cycle of matter and energy of the planet as a whole are revealed.