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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 4

Testing of the technique for assessing the aesthetic attractiveness of the Lake Baikal coast

a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:93:"Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"text";}
Keywords: anthropogenic load, natural parameters, attractiveness, quality of beaches, recreation areas


A technique is suggested for assessing the attractiveness of beaches as a tool for monitoring their state in controlling the coastal areas. This approach was developed and is being used for assessing the beaches of seas and oceans in popular tourist destinations, such as Spain, Malta, Cuba, Turkey, and others. A calculation of attractiveness is based on an expert assessment of 26 beach parameters (18 natural and 8 anthropogenic). This technique for assessing the aesthetic attractiveness of the beaches along the Lake Baikal coast has been applied for the first time. It was tested in popular recreation areas of local residents and tourists; the assessment was carried out for 21 beaches. According to the assessment results, the beaches were divided into five attractiveness classes. It was revealed that protected areas (national parks) have a positive impact on the attractiveness assessment; most of the first class beaches are located in national parks. Anthropogenic load, on the contrary, has a negative impact; beaches of classes 4 and 5, for example, are located within urban areas. Urban development, car traffic and noise reduce the beach attractiveness. Anthropogenic parameters, unlike natural parameters, are the most easily changed; their monitoring makes it possible to control the beach attractiveness. The results of the assessment showed a high potential of natural landscapes of Lake Baikal which is associated with natural environment features, such as the mountains surrounding the lake, mature woody vegetation, transparent water, existence of geological monuments, dune complexes, sandy beaches as well as low anthropogenic pressure.