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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 4

Diagnostics of social security of the population of Irkutsk oblast municipalities

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: standard of living of the population, indicative analysis, risk zones, regional socio-economic policy, municipal district, city


A case study was made of the municipalities of Irkutsk oblast for 2000-2019 with a diagnostics of social security which is considered within the framework of economic security. At the first stage of the study, key indicators of the standard of living of the population were identified. The method of indicative analysis was used to assess destructive processes in the sphere of living standards. At the second stage, integral indices of social security were calculated in dynamics for the periods of administration by the oblast governors. To determine the degree of compliance of the city/municipal district with social security, a gradation of risk zones was used, on the basis of which a territorial ranking was carried out. In each risk zone, characteristic destructive processes in the sphere of living standards were identified. They are especially pronounced in the crisis zone. The lowest index of social security during the period under review is characterized by rural areas that are part of the crisis zone of catastrophic and critical risk. A “game of statistics” was noted, namely an automatic increase indicators of the standard of living in the rural population living in the areas of oil and gas production. It has been established that in the municipalities of the pre-crisis zone of moderate risk and the zone of stability, there is a tendency to equalize the level of wages relative to the average for the Russian Federation. The population of the entire region belongs to the categories of “low-income” and “below average”. It is shown that the imbalance of demand and supply of labor force in the professional and territorial sections remains, especially in cities and districts with a single-industry structure of the economy and oil and gas production areas. It is concluded that the greatest response of all the measures taken at the regional and federal levels fell on the policy to improve the investment and business climate. This is reflected in the dynamic transition of oil and gas production areas and the timber industry complex from the crisis zone to the zone of stability.