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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2023 year, number 6


A. V. Bryukhanov, R. V. Kotelnikov
The Center of Forest Pyrology, Development of Forest Ecosystem Conservation, Forest Protection and Regeneration Technologies - Branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: satellite navigation, tracker, forest fires, firefighter safety, safety bacon, decision support system


An analytical review of satellite navigation systems, devices for receiving and processing spatial information, in the context of their use in monitoring and extinguishing fires in the natural environment, is presented. Satellite navigation systems are considered both in terms of user devices and their global organization. Promising Russian and foreign developments in the field of satellite navigation and information transmission are discussed, which can significantly increase the efficiency of fire extinguishing and the safety of fighting fire in the natural environment. The most optimal option for controlling the forces and means of fire extinguishing has been determined, which provides for the construction of a system that combines the possibilities of using both radio and satellite communication channels. This approach will significantly improve the safety of monitoring and fighting wildfires, as well as organizing a modern reliable and independent decision support system, thereby significantly improving the quality and economic efficiency of forest fire fighting. The necessary changes are proposed that are appropriate to overcome the existing technological gap between Russia and the leading countries in the field of informatization of fighting fires in the natural environment.