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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 4

The principle of understanding human ontology in the space of relations

L. B. Vertgeim1,2
1Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: human ontology, being, attitude, time, meaning, education


Introduction. The current year 2023 and the coming year 2024 are marked by two remarkable anniversaries: respectively, the 200th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Russian pedagogy Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky and the 300th anniversary of the great philosopher Immanuel Kant. In connection with these important dates, we turn to some ideas related to the problem of human ontology and consider the applications of these ideas in the field of education. Methodology. The discussion of such issues as human ontology and the essence of man required a preliminary analysis of broader general problems of ontology, consideration of possible ways of man’s being, as well as consideration of the philosophical concepts in the framework of the “relation” category while studying scientific literature using methods of historical and comparative analysis. Discussion. The article briefly discusses the development of ideas about the essence and being of man, starting with the ancient Greek philosophers. It is noted that Plato’s division of being into material and ideal is closely related to the understanding of time as change prevailing in Antiquity. Therefore, based on the author’s understanding of time as a relation, an alternative division of being into “isolated being” and “being-in-relation” is given; instead of the world of ideas and the world of matter, the “space of relations” comes to the fore, in which the true being of man unfolds, and in which man can “escape decay”. Some applications of this principle to the problems of education and upbringing are shown. Similar ideas in the world and domestic philosophical literature are considered. Noting the vital importance of person’s building philosophical concepts about oneself, one’s nature and essence, a version of understanding human existence as being in the space of relations is put forward, which is significant for the teacher’s attitude to information, and as a consequence, we come to impossibility of replacing a human teacher with a robot teacher. Conclusion. Understanding the human ontology in the space of relations is associated with the interpretation of happiness as “free, beloved, spiritual work” (K. D. Ushinsky), as well as gratitude and love as the highest manifestation of being in relation.