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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 4

Axiological aspects of digitalization of the educational environment

N. Z. Appakova-Shogina
Volga-Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan, Russia
Keywords: axiology, digitalization, educational environment, values of information society, the prefigurative model of education


Introduction. The relevance of the research is due to the processes taking place in modern Russian education. Methodology. The research is based on methods of analysis and synthesis of facts from open sources (the Internet), the study of modern scientific and popular science literature on the designated topic, as well as personal reflection on the processes emerging in the Russian educational environment against the background of digitalization and the development of artificial intelligence. Discussion. Value orientation is the most important component of human life, the basis for the formation of life goals, expectations and motivations. The author tries to determine the values formed in the process of digitalization of education, taking into account the fundamental factors of the development of the world. Digitalization is changing attitudes towards the values of traditional education. In the new model of education, there are no clearly defined hierarchies, students are an active beginning, easily adapt to changes, are focused on creativity, innovation and independence, unlike teachers. A prefigurative model of education is being implemented, which has a preventive character. A new form of education is emerging: “mutual learning” groups based on horizontal connections. In this regard, the priorities of competencies are also changing: hard skills, which the traditional model of education was focused on, give priority to soft skills. Among soft skills, critical thinking, ethics and communication skills are the most relevant. Conclusion. The process of digitalization is determined by two attractors - the possible degradation of humanity in general and the educational system in particular (technology as the meaning of existence), or the transformation of digital technologies into new resources for human improvement (technology as a means of existence).