Domestic education in the processes of global integration and confrontation with the world system
A. A. Izgarskaya
Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: world-systems approach, education, geoculture, semi-periphery, peripheralization, society development strategy, integration
Introduction. Russia has changed its development strategy twice over the past decades. It was integrated into the international system of division of labor during the collapse of the USSR, and after 2014, Russia begins to break the existing networks of unequal exchange and, as in the Soviet period, enters into confrontation with the core of the world system. It is obvious that these changes have an impact on the education system, changing its goals and the content of the educational process. Methodology. Based on such basic concepts of the world-system approach as “geoculture”, “semi-periphery” and “peripheralization” (I. Wallerstein), the problem of transformation of Russian education in the processes of integration and confrontation with the world-system is described. Discussion. Three stages can be distinguished in the processes of transformation of Russia in recent decades. These stages correspond to the geocultural ideologies of the Modern era: socialism, liberalism, conservatism. It is shown that each of the ideologies was reflected in the goals and content of the educational process. Soviet ideology contained nation-building values that were relevant to post-colonial societies and contributed to their integration into the international system of socialism, while education solved problems of labor reproduction for the corresponding division of labor system. The Russian political elite has not formed the levers of symbolic power within the framework of neoliberal doctrine for more than two decades of integration into the world-system, which has led to a loss of control over social action, including education. Modern Russian conservatism, like the Soviet political doctrine, proclaims the idea of the struggle for the reorganization of the world, but unlike socialist ideology, it does not have such an extensive social base and is significantly inferior to it in terms of integration potential. Conclusion. By strengthening the integration capabilities of conservative ideology by turning to Soviet heroics and including Soviet-Russian historical parallels in educational literature, the state introduces a contradiction into the system, since it silences the main idea of socialism - the idea of social equality.