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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2023 year, number 6

Determination of Camouflage Explosion Parameters

B. A. Sednev1, S. L. Kopnyshev1, A. V. Sednev2
1State Fire Service Academy Academy of the State Fire-Fighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow, Russia
Keywords: pressure, safety, camouflage explosion, velocity field


The centrally symmetric problem of determining the velocity field in a continuous elastoplastic medium under a camouflage explosion has been solved using the assumptions of the unoscillatory nature of the motion and the incompressibility of the medium in the regions of plasticity and elasticity. The solution was found using a camouflage equation-the relation for determining the pressure on the contact surface of an expanding explosion cavity. The solution allows one to estimate the dimensions of the expansion and plastic deformation regions and the impact of explosive disturbances on objects