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"Philosophy of Education"

2023 year, number 3

The specifics of interdisciplinarity and synergy in the search for solutions to professional self-determination and improvement of social capital

S. P. Stumpf, I. V. Ansov
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: profession, professional self-determination, social system, diversification, adaptation, personality, society, post-industrial society, socio-cultural space


Introduction. Post-industrial society is characterized by increased attention to social capital, since its improvement significantly affects its progress. Accompanying the process of professional self-determination provides significant opportunities for qualitative research in society, which leads to the involvement in this process of perception of its largest share. The changing nature of the social space dictates the study of such problem-oriented approaches as adaptation and diversification at the level of the individual and society. Methodology. The concept of synergy allows most accurately reflecting the uniqueness of the processes taking place in society. Understanding the issues of the profession and professional self-determination in modern conditions provide developments in the field of professionalism. Such an interdisciplinary support provides the potential for revealing such key concepts for the phenomenon of professional self-determination as “adaptationˮ and “diversificationˮ. Discussion. Based on the understanding of the requirements for a modern professional, the process of inflation of the traditional understanding of professionalism and the formation of transprofessionalism was revealed. The importance of the adaptive properties of the personality for the process of professional self-determination in the conditions of society, which by its nature is prone to uncertainty and unpredictability, is shown. Such characteristics of the social space were developed and described using the methodology of social synergy, which made it possible to most fully trace the breadth of the impact on the individual and her process of choosing a profession. A factor from the side of the society, assisting the process of professional self-determination, is the strategy of diversification. Conclusion. The process of professional self-determination is regulated by many intrapersonal and social factors, is complex and multicomponent. Reliance on the development of such a quality as adaptability in the process of training personnel and the development of strategies for diversifying the social space seem to be the basis for finding solutions to emerging issues in the process of professional self-determination and social development in general.