Current status of specially protected natural areas of Omsk oblast
Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: natural capital, “green” economy, restoration of biological and landscape diversity, effective functioning of specially protected natural areas, mechanism of public-private partnership, increase in the area of specially protected natural areas
In view of the growing problem of global depletion of natural resources, the concept of sustainable development and natural capital as relevant tools for environmental management has been considered. The place of specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) in the structure of natural capital is indicated. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the network of SPNAs and their changes from 1992 till the present, corresponding to the recommendations of the world community within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, are examined. Countries with the most successful networks of SPNAs are highlighted. The problem of compliance with the international requirements of networks of SPNAs in various regions of the Russian Federation is outlined. An assessment is made of the network of SPNAs by using, as an example, Omsk oblast in terms of important structural indicators and recommendations for its improvement. The present state of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast as an important part of natural capital of the region is considered. Data on the modern structure of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast are presented. An uneven distribution of SPNAs across the region’s territory, a small number of SPNAs of the “natural park” category and the absence of SPNAs of federal significance were revealed. Changes in the number of SPNAs in 2015-2020 were analyzed, and data on changes in the number of SPNAs according to the categories for the given period are presented. A reduction in the area of SPNAs in the region was revealed. Recommendations are given for improving the efficiency of management of the network of SPNAs in Omsk oblast. Experience of foreign countries in using the public-private partnership mechanism to improve the effectiveness of SPNAs and attract private investment in this area was considered. The Strategy for the development of the system of specially protected natural areas in Omsk oblast for the period into 2030 has been considered. The purpose, objectives and principles of the implementation of the Strategy in the field of the organization and functioning of SPNAs are defined as well as the main directions of the activities of state bodies to increase public support for SPNAs and create conditions for the promotion of educational tourism.