Higher classes of geographical complexes and layered structure of the geographical sphere
Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: landscape sphere, technogenic, anthropogenic, geocomplex, geosystem, landscape, diversity, classification
The objective of this paper is to clarify the system of higher classes of geographical complexes and, on their basis, to identify natural and natural-technogenic types of layering of the geographical sphere as well as to discuss the landscape sphere concept. A model of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) is proposed on the basis of vertically alternating layers, each of which is a set of laterally bordering landscape level geocomplexes on the boundary of partial geospheres (atmo-, hydro- and lithosphere) or within one of them. The classification scheme of seven divisions (classes of the highest rank) of natural geocomplexes is justified: atmolithospheric (terrestrial), hydrolithospheric (bottom (underwater) and glacial-mineral (subglacial)), atmohydrospheric (air-water (water-surface) and air-glacial), atmohydrolithospheric (amphibious and glacial), atmospheric (air), hydrospheric (water and glacial), lithospheric (underground (mineral)) geocomplexes. The classification of geocomplexes serves as a single basis for a comparative analysis of the most diverse parts of the geographical sphere. This approach makes it possible to display not only the layering, but all aspects of the spatial structure and can be used not only at global and regional, but also at local levels. The same model allows us to reflect anthropogenic changes of the spatial structure. Four natural types of layering structure of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) are distinguished: terrestrial, amphibious (continental and marine) and glacial, mid-deep-water (marine and continental) and glacial, deep-water (oceanic and marine) and glacial. Five technogenically altered (natural-technogenic) subtypes of layering structure were identified: two in the terrestrial and one in each of the others. The concept of the landscape sphere as part of the geographical sphere (epigeosphere) along the contact zones of partial geospheres is supplemented by the idea of the landscape sphere as a sphere confined to the outer boundary of the lithosphere. In this version of the concept, the landscape sphere is formed by geocomplexes of three classes: atmolithospheric, atmohydrolithospheric and hydrolithospheric.