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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 3

Geographical patterns of river channel meandering in Russia

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: channel processes, channel bends, branching, arm bends, small-scale map, zoning


For the first time, a geographical analysis is made of the manifestation of various forms of meandering of river flows and conditions for occurrence of bends of channels and bends of branches of channels is given. It is shown that the instability of rectilinear movement of the flows, causing their sinuosity (meandering), is reflected primarily in the formation and development of river bends (formation of meandering channels) which are the most common morphodynamic type of channel in small and medium-sized rivers. It has been established that channel bends dominate in the rivers of the southern part of the East European Plain, in Western Siberia, and in other lowlands which are characterized (according to geological and geomorphological conditions) by the free development of channel deformations. In large rivers of these regions, bends are complicated by islands on their wings or in the apical parts, whereas in the Lower Volga, and the Middle and Lower Ob, which belong to the category of the largest, are characteristic for the arms of bifurcated channels (Volga, Akhtuba, and Malaya, Gornaya and Bolshaya Ob). It has been revealed that a specific feature of meandering and branching channels is floodplain-channel branching with meandering arms (up to 3-6 bends each). In branched rivers of any type, the meandering process manifests itself in the formation of branching arms, and in rectilinear unbranched channels - in the sinuosity of the meandering flow among side channels located in a staggered order. In conditions of limited development of channel deformations (the north-west of the European territory of Russia, and Central Siberian plateau), incised bends and bends of branching arms of the incised channel on large rivers prevail. In areas of complex geological and geomorphological structure, there occurs a complex alternation of free and incised bends, and a braided channel with bends of branches of the incised and broad floodplain channel. In mountain rivers there occur incised bends and structurally conditioned bends of the channel. The distribution of various forms of meandering is displayed on a small-scale map which combines the zoning for small and medium-sized rivers and the linear form (off-scale strips) for large and major rivers.