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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2023 year, number 8

Modernization of the "LOZA-A2" lidar for simultaneous measurements of the vibrational-rotational and purely rotational Raman spectra

Yu.S. Balin, M.G. Klemasheva, G.P. Kokhanenko, S.V. Nasonov, M.M. Novoselov, S.V. Samoilova, I.E. Penner
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: lidar, Raman scattering, atmosphere, scattering coefficient, extinction coefficient, lidar ratio


The results of the modernization of the mobile aerosol Raman lidar "LOZA-A2" are presented. Along with measurements of the vibrational component of spontaneous Raman scattering of lidar signals simultaneous measurements of signals of purely rotational Raman scattering are carried out. The technique for interpreting Raman lidar sensing data is considered. The data of simultaneous measurements of the vibrational-rotational and purely rotational components of the Raman scattering during sounding of the atmosphere above Lake Baikal are obtained. The results of retrieving the vertical profiles of the optical characteristics of the atmosphere at a wavelength 532 nm from these data are presented.