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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2023 year, number 8

Optimization of the spectral composition of radiation from a compact CO2 laser for an optoacoustic gas analyzer of SF6

K.G. Zenov1, A.I. Karapuzikov1,2, M.B. Miroshnichenko1, E.G. Nehorosheva3
1Special technologies, Ltd, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: CO laser, stabilization, gas analysis, signature, wavelength selection, mid-infrared range


A simplified mathematical model and the results of experimental studies on the spectral composition of radiation from a compact waveguide CO2 laser with RF excitation for a laser opto-acoustic gas analyzer are presented. The aim is to improve measurement accuracy by eliminating unwanted 10 R -branch lines from the laser spectrum. Laser radiation signatures are measured under various resonator and active medium parameters without the use of additional selection elements. It is demonstrated that optimal signatures can be achieved by selecting the appropriate pressure of the gas mixture, the transmittance coefficient of the output mirror, and the optimal resonator length, which can be obtained by varying the nominal (base) length within a range of 2 mm. The effectiveness of optimizing the spectral composition of laser radiation is practically confirmed by statistical results for 64 lasers. The open up new possibilities for improving the measurement accuracy of SF6 laser opto-acoustic gas analyzers and extending its application in various fields of science and technology.