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Philosophy of Sciences

2023 year, number 2


Vladimir Ivanovich Krasikov
Justice Russian State University Ministry of Justice, Moskow, Russia
Keywords: ontological scheme of mechanicalism, universal simplicity, quantitative homogeneity of the universe, corpuscular point, common elements and forces


Newton developed a model of a new universality, or a homogeneous and isotropic world, which has uniform laws, in contrast to the Aristotelian concept of a hierarchical, multi-layer and specified cosmos. This model is based on a number of ontological postulates introduced by him, which can be identified among the provisions of his classical work. Newtonian mechanicalism is based on imputing universal simplicity to the world. Simplicity is determined by the general quantitative homogeneity of the universe, which has univalent internal structures - common elements and forces that can be calculated and used. The quantitative “unit” of a simple, homogeneous, physical-geometric universe is an ambivalent corpuscular point. The main constants of the “mechanistic universe” are the diversity of amounts of masses, motions and forces, quantized by clear mutual relations. Newton also introduced theoretical space and time as a privileged, absolute reference system. To harmonize the model of the physical-geometric universe with the sensually perceived, empirical reality, the third (astronomical) part of the “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” states the existence of “general properties” (qualities) of material bodies, which are obtained and verified only by experience. These are qualitative characteristics of length, hardness, impermeability, mobility and inertness. Finally, the Newtonian version of mechancalism has compulsorily metaphysical ingredients - inexplicable and transcendent qualities. These are gravity, ether and God. Thus, the ontological scheme of mechanicalism, looming in the so called “Gospel of science” of Modern times, looks like a construction based on a consistent thought experiment of representing the universe exclusively in terms of its “objectivity” and “sensory verifiability”.