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Advanced Search

Philosophy of Sciences

2023 year, number 2


Alexey Igorevich Razumowsky
Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: formalization, usefulness, meaningfulness, practice, reality, person, individuality


This research examines the emergence of formally represented knowledge, the order of its formalization and its prospects. The loss of the connecting links between reality and its formal descriptions resulted in a crisis of formalization of scientific knowledge. The article presents two basic approaches to solving information-technical problems - abstrаct-logical and engineering. It is shown how creative discomfort arises from excessive abstrаction. The issue of combining comprehended and reflexive components in making holistic decisions is investigated. Two ways of the formalization process are discussed - the explicit way and the shadow one, in which subjectively insignificant details and nuances are emasculated. Some terminological constructs that arose from the crisis of knowledge formalization, such as robotic ethics and artificial morality are considered. The conclusion is made about the increasing digitalization as a result of the crisis of the formal representation of scientific knowledge.