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Geography and Natural Resources

2023 year, number 2

Influence of the relief on the pyrogenic disturbance of geosystems of the Primorskii Range (Western Cisbaikalia)

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: morphometric analysis, pyrogenic geosystems, relief layering, surface exposure, fires, Baikal natural territory


A morphometric analysis is made of the relief for the mountainous territory located in Western Cisbaikalia: the Primorskii Range, the landscapes of which have been transformed for a long time under the influence of the pyrogenic factor. Under such conditions, it becomes relevant to determine the relationships between the geomorphological conditions of the territory and the distribution of post-pyrogenic landscapes, as well as the possibility of using the results obtained in landscape mapping. The basis for maps of surface curvature was provided by a digital elevation model based on ALOS radiometer data with a resolution of 30 m. Using geoinformation analysis, maps of the steepness and exposure of slopes, and horizontal, vertical curvature were obtained, and the statistical coefficients of these indicators for the study area were determined. To determine the degree of influence of geomorphological conditions on the distribution of post-pyrogenic landscapes, the geomorphological map was compiled, a typizaion of the relief was carried out according to the altitudinal layers, and a correlation with corresponding types of locations was determined. At this stage of the research, the following connections were revealed between the geomorphological heterogeneity of the local relief and the nature of the spread of fire: in some cases, river valleys became barriers to the spread of fire (their summit parts are usually not affected by fire). Another option for barriers are the ridges located across slopes; thus the orientation of orographic relief elements can be designated as a limiting factor in the spread of fires. The prevailing south-eastward exposure of the macroslope of the Primorskii Range which coincided with the north-westward direction of the main air transport, became an intensifying factor in the spread.