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Geography and natural resources

2016 year, number 6S


1Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, Lermontova str., 134, Russia
2V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 664033, Irkutsk, Ulan-Batorskaya str., 1, Russia
Keywords: предпринимательство, центральная экологическая зона, неразрушающее природопользование, экологически ориентированная деятельность, сбор и переработка недревесных продуктов, чайная отрасль, private enterprise, central ecological zone, non-destructive nature management, environmentally-oriented activi ties, wild collection and processing, tea industry


In the central ecological zone of the Irkutsk Region the local population employment is a challenge especially in the settlements located beyond the tourist routes. Small businesses (individual entrepreneurship) are limited by the legislative framework and many are not allowed. The total amount of investments in the capital assets in Olkhon, Slyudyanka, and Irkutsk districts does not exceed 3 % of the total amount financial injections into the region economy. The article briefly outlines business activities of each of the three municipal districts. Olkhon district is the most active in business, with 13,3 companies per 1,000 people registered there. Most of them are service providers (cafes, restaurants, hotels and other places of temporary accommodation). Three core business activities allowed on the analyzed territory have been distinguished (environmentally friendly or safe). It is shown that wild collection and processing as well as herbal tea production are particularly promising for development. A low investment requirement of affiliated enterprises, the readily recognizable “Baikal” brand, diversity of growing plants, mushrooms and medicinal herbs satisfactory for the manufacture of tea, herbal mixtures, tea drinks, and berry syrups make these enterprises feasible for small businesses in the central ecological zone. The existing companies from the mentioned sectors active in Irkutsk Region have been studied. Depending on the product range the main directions of activities and presumably marketable products have been identified.