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Geography and natural resources

2018 year, number 4


Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 670047, Ulan-Ude, ul. Sakhyanovoi, 6, Russia
Keywords: товарность, факторы, влияющие на цену продукции, эффективность, конкурентоспособность, характеристика мест и стратегии продажи, ассортимент, marketability, factors influencing the product price, efficiency, competitiveness, characteristic of places and sales, range of products


The role played by the household farms in the agrarian economy of the Republic of Buryatia is investigated. «Points of growth» are revealed, namely, commercial farm households located in the suburban zone of the capital of the Republic. A study is made of changes in marketability of products. Emphasis is placed on the high marketability of cattle meat which reaches in some years 50 % of the products obtained as well as a steady growth of the marketability of milk and potatoes. Sociological sur veys were carried out among 47 farm household owners and members of their families. The criteria for selection of households as objects for study were the regularity and a long period of sales at a given outlet, and the availability of the staple range (milk and dairy produce sold throughout the year). The surveys revealed the distinctive features in the internal structure of the households influencing their competitiveness. The factors were identified, which contribute to increasing the effectiveness of sales. A charac teristic is given to the age structure of the households owned by the population and of the approaches used in selling products. The range of products sold in each season is considered, and the prices are given. The places of product sales are characterized. The factors are formulated, which influence the price and the range of products. The study revealed the influence of the economic-geographical location of the sales places, the availability of the automobile in the farm households, and the population’s capacity to pay the price of products. Statistical information was used to determine a surplus of some kinds of agricultural products, and their marketability was analyzed starting in 1998. A characteristic is given to the development of the suburban and peripheral farm households. Additional channels of sales of agricultural products obtained in the farm households are analyzed.