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Geography and natural resources

2018 year, number 4


1Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, Russia
2Zeya State Nature Reserve, 676246, Zeya, ul. Stroitel’naya, 71, Russia
Keywords: Дальний Восток, данные дистанционного зондирования, моделирование распространения видов, хр. Тукурингра, разнообразие растительных сообществ, эколого-морфологический подход, Far East, remote sensing data, species distribution modeling, Tukuringra Range, diversity of plant communities, ecological-morphological approach


Presented is a generally large-scale scientific reference vegetation map compiled for the first time at a scale of 1:100 000 for the Zeya State Nature Reserve and Tukuringra Range. The map legend is based on original field material, and the contour part of the map was developed by using Landsat and Spot imagery from different seasons. Spatial distribution models of species with a significant role in phytocenosis were used to delineate between vegetation units. The scheme of the altitudinal-belt dif ferentiation of vegetation is refined; in the eastern part of Tukuringra Range, we identified three altitudinal belts: subgoletz, mountain-taiga and subtaiga, with subbelts and altitudinal-climatic belts. The cenotic diversity and structure of vegetation is presented in the context of the altitudinal-belt and intrabelt organization of vegetation cover. The map displays the diversity of plant communities of the territory at the level of groups of associations and, more rarely, associations within formations and provides 72 thematic units including five for tundras, five for elfin wood and open wood, 42 for forests, three for vegetation on rocks and screes, one for meadows, and one for shrubs. A rationale is given to the boundaries of encroachment of the Manchu rian florocenotic complex on Tukuringra Range. An assessment is made of the spatial role of different plant communities. We examine the dynamical states of plant communities and identify the areas occupied by secondary small-leaved forests, and by plant communities of early stages of post-fire rehabilitation. The association of plant communities with the geomorphological structure of the territory is pointed out; more specifically, the valley vegetation on the map is considered in the form of series reflecting the formation stages of vegetation at different ecological and age levels of the floodplain-terrace complex. It is shown that the patterns of ecological and spatial occurrence of plant communities as revealed by mapping them can be extrapolated to neighboring mountains of the Amur river basin.