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Geography and natural resources

2018 year, number 2


V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Batorskaya, 1, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia
Keywords: полевые эксперименты, динамика рельефа, элементарные бассейны, баланс вещества, про стран ственная упорядоченность денудации, временная организованность геоморфологических систем, field experiments, dynamics of relief, elementary basins, balance of matter, spatial ordering of denudation, temporal organization of geomorphological systems


This paper considers the results of geomorphological field experiments in Siberia conducted at the permanent stations oper ated by the V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS for a 60-year period and describes the observation methods. A unique database of quantitative data on the modern relief dynamics is provided. The rates of slow mass motions of soils on slopes, and also of the deluvial, aeolian and channel processes are presented. Observations for long-term time series are summarized. Much attention is paid to the results from investigating the slope processes. The contribution of stationary investigations to the solution of fundamental problems in geomorphology is shown. The role of field experiments in understanding the temporal organization of geomorphological systems is emphasized. Dynamic phases of the intrasecular cycles of exogenous relief formation are investi gated. Models of the contemporary functioning of denudation systems that cover all possible variety of dynamic phases and morphological and climatic conditions of denudation in semi-arid conditions of southern Siberia are obtained. We found that the spatial ordering of exogenous relief formation in the south of Siberia is manifested in the form of a regional series of cor relative denudational systems whose structure and functioning mode naturally vary along the aridity and continentality vectors of climate. The spatial ordering of aeolian lithostreams is shown, which are involved in a common cycle of matter spinning clockwise and moving aeolian fine material along the northern subarid foothills of the mountain belt of Southern Siberia. An important role of the observation results on the relief dynamics for solving ecological problems is pointed out. Prospects for a further development of experimental geomorphological research in Siberia using high-precision instruments, GIS technologies and other modern methods are outlined.