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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2023 year, number 1


Svetlana S. Shcherbina1, Olga D. Nikiforova2, Aleksandr I. Syso3
1Central Siberian State Biosphere Reserve, pos. Bor, Russia
2Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Insitute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Myosotis pseudovariabilis, taxonomy, bioecology, morphology life strategy, phenology, communities


The bioecological features of Myosotis pseudovariabilis Popov from the section Sylvaticae (Popov ex Riedl) Tzvelev, an endemic of the lover reaches of the Yenisei river (Krasnoyarsk Territory) are considered. Taxonomy, geographical distribution, species protection, and morphological characters of vegetative and generative organs are discussed. Original researches on element composition of green mass of leaves of M. pseudovariabilis in connection with soil composition and ecological conditions of species existence are carried out. Phenological characteristics of the species as well as plant response to abnormal weather conditions were studied for the first time. It has been noted that small populations of M. pseudovariabilis, Heracleum dissectum Ledeb. are confined to shrub thickets in river and stream valleys, while large populations are characteristic of meadows of natural and anthropogenic origin. The conjugate development of cenoses with participation of M. pseudovariabilis and Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill was revealed. Plant communities M. pseudovariabilis is an explerant; its life strategy is aimed at the formation of long creeping epigeogenic rhizomes that radially take up space due to vegetative rosellate shoots, which have buds of regeneration on the ground surface and are covered by dry leaf debris. At present, due to the reduction of human activity, former hayfields, arable lands and vegetable gardens are overgrown with shrubs and tall grasses, which contributes to creation of favorable conditions for growth of M. pseudovariabilis and increase of its populations, since the main ecological niche of the species is meadow shrub communities of the eutrophic successional vegetation series.